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Citrus Salad With Manuka Honey, Vanilla + Pistachio

Citrus Salad With Manuka Honey, Vanilla + Pistachio
Citrus Salad With Manuka Honey, Vanilla + Pistachio

What's great about it

Citrus is one of my favourite fruits to enjoy this time of year.  My Citrus Salad is purely delicious and I love eating it for breakfast or creating it as a luscious dinner party dessert for good friends. You can enjoy on its own or topped with natural organic yoghurt  - I also love serving this with a smashed raspberry puree that takes it to another level of deliciousness.


Serves 2

2 oranges

2 mandarins

2 blood oranges

1 lime

1 pink grapefruit

fresh herbs such as thyme or mint for garnish

1 tablespoon Manuka honey

1/2 teaspoon vanilla bean paste or extract

30 g (1/4 cup / 1 oz) pistachio nuts, chopped



  1. Peel all the citrus fruit, ensuring all the white pith is removed.
  2. Slice the citrus and arrange onto a serving plate, alternating colours to make it look beautiful.
  3. Combine Manuka honey and vanilla then drizzle onto the citrus salad just before serving.
  4. Garnish with pistachio and garden herbs.

Notes and Inspiration

For a dairy-free alternative to yoghurt, combine the flesh of 2 mangoes, 1 cup of coconut cream or coconut milk and 1 teaspoon vanilla into a high-performance blender like a Vitamix. Blend until smooth and creamy then serve alongside the citrus salad.

To make a Cashew Nut Cream just blend 1 /2 cup raw cashew nuts with 1 cup of water and a little vanilla extract. Blend until smooth and creamy.

Coconut cream or yoghurt can also be used in place of blending.

Add a hint of ginger to the manuka honey before drizzling.

Leftovers can be blended into an amazing immune boosting smoothie with a little organic natural yoghurt.

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