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Matcha Chia Pudding

Matcha Chia Pudding
Matcha Chia Pudding

What's great about it

Chia is high in omega-3, protein and fibre to support healthy digestion, toned lean muscle and a glowing complexion. Healthy Chef Protein is rich in essential amino acids which are important in the creation of collagen. Collagen gives structure to your skin's tissues that can break down as we age. Matcha Tea will infuse your body with antioxidants to support healthy, glowing and hydrated skin.


Serves 1 - 2

3 tablespoons (40 g / 1/2 oz) white chia seeds

1 teaspoon Healthy Chef Matcha Tea

1 tablespoon Healthy Chef Protein

250 ml (1 cup / 8 fl oz) plant-based milk

1 small banana, smashed 


1. COMBINE the chia seeds, Matcha Tea, protein, milk and banana into a bowl or jar and mix well.

2. REST for 15 minutes then give it a good stir to distribute the chia, matcha and protein throughout the milk as it thickens.

3. SERVE with a dollop of coconut yoghurt or Greek yoghurt and enjoy.

Notes and Inspiration

Top with sliced kiwi fruit for a boost of prebiotics and gut health benefits.

It's a good idea to double the recipe and store in the fridge for breakfast when needed. 

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