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Body Shaping Week 2: The Magic Ingredient

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Welcome to Week 2 of my 4-week Body Shaping plan! In case you missed your Week 1 tip, you can read it here.

This week's focus is ensuring enough protein in your diet to support your body shaping and weight loss goals.

Protein is essential for our bodies; for balancing hormones, supporting detoxification and digestion, and supporting a healthy immune system. It also helps to effectively regulate the appetite, increase satiety and encourage significant weight loss. Check out the studies HERE.

When attempting to keep total calories down during dieting, protein supplementation can help keep total food volume down but still provide support directly to the muscles, liver, and immune system, critical to optimising body composition.

For weight loss, it is recommended you get between 80 – 120 g of protein per day.


        • Continue on Week 1 tips. Include good-quality protein sources that include fish, organic or grass-fed meats, poultry, eggs, yoghurt, nuts, seeds, nut butter, milk and Healthy Chef Protein as your wholefood sources of protein.
        • As a convenient and easily digestible way I get protein, especially when I’m on the run, I use Healthy Chef Pure Native WPI or Organic Pea Protein in a smoothie, and then add frozen berries, almond milk or water, and some ice. A frozen banana can also be added for extra creaminess, and boosters such as Matcha Green Tea can increase fat burning.


          This type of protein smoothie will improve metabolism, nourish lean muscle, and keep you energised all morning! I usually swap a main meal of the day for a nourishing smoothie.


        • As a mid-afternoon snack, I like to combine 1 serving of protein with 1-½ cups of coconut water or, better still – just filtered water in a blender bottle. This will help curb my appetite stop me from reaching for a bar of chocolate when the afternoon craving hits.


A study published in the International Journal of Obesity followed overweight subjects who replaced two of their daily meals with a high protein drink. They were also instructed to walk everyday for a minimum of 30 minutes. There was significant weight loss within the group as well as helping the management of metabolic syndrome.


      • BREAKFAST - this can be a combination of protein powder, a soft fruit (berries and banana are great) and some water to blend it all up. Adding some good healthy fats such as a splash of almond milk or nut butter makes it delicious and creamy.
      • LUNCH / DINNER – enjoy an unlimited amount of greens, handful of vegetables + some protein of your choice. If I'm time poor, I'll buy some store-bought leaves from the supermarket, throw over a handful of roasted almonds or tin of tuna, and then drizzle with a little balsamic.
      • SNACKS – As mentioned above, I tend to use Healthy Chef Pure Native WPI or Organic Pea Protein with mostly water and a splash of coconut water. It curbs any cravings and keeps me energised between main meals.



In an ideal world we would get all the protein our body needs from fresh whole foods, but when that's not possible, Organic Pea Protein is a vegan source of protein that can help nourish the body, keep you full and support a healthy lean, toned physique.

I would also suggest Healthy Chef Pure Native WPI, our most popular protein for athletes and those who want to lose weight. It is lactose-free, which means it does not cause bloating or gastrointestinal issues like other whey protein powders. Here are my top 9 ingredients you don't want in a protein powder.


Our protein by itself will not make you put on weight; quite the opposite actually, it will support make you feel fuller for longer.

 The difference between WPI and OPP is in the texture and one being a vegan option (Pea Protein), while the other from grass-fed cows (WPI). So if you prefer a lighter texture - the WPI is the go; if you are looking for something thicker and more filling, you might find the Organic Pea Protein more suitable. Still unsure? You can check more info out here.

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